Research Associate, Center for Evaluation and Applied Research, Center for Evaluation and Applied Research
Mayssa Gregoire is a Research and Evaluation Associate at NYAM's Center for Evaluation and Applied Research (CEAR). At CEAR, she works on various projects supporting data collection and analysis, project report writing, and management. She uses mixed methods for evaluation of programs related to health equity and the various social factors that affect health. She has worked on long-term projects addressing child and maternal health and providing respite support for caregivers of older adults. Mayssa graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a BS in Environmental Science. As an intern for the Pittsburgh Collaboratory for Water, Education and Outreach, she worked with the University Center for Social and Urban Research (UCSUR) on local issues related to lead in drinking water. Her thesis was on identifying tap water sample size to improve assessment of lead in public water systems. Before joining NYAM, she served as a patient advocate as a member of the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS) Public Health AmeriCorps.
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