NYAM Annual Report 2023

As one of the longest-running nonprofits in the United States, NYAM has long been at the forefront of innovation to improve the health of the public. Today, we keep our energies focused on a better future. We do this work through community-centered research that influences health policy and practice, and through education. Maximizing health in every phase of life builds our healthspan—ensuring that all people have what they need for not only longer, but also healthier lives. 

In 2023 NYAM enthusiastically welcomed its first epidemiologist president, Dr. Ann Kurth. In her first year as president, she not only reaffirmed our commitment to health equity, but has also broadened NYAM’s work to address one of the most critical issues of our time—the impact of climate change on health.

We hope you enjoy scrolling through our 2023 digital annual report and come away with a sense of the deep commitment and extensive portfolio of work at NYAM dedicated to addressing health across the lifespan for all.

“Thank you for your interest in our work, for your partnership, and, most of all, for your engagement in advancing a world where everyone has the opportunity to be healthy, for life.” —NYAM President Dr. Ann Kurth

2023 NYAM Annual Report

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