This report summarizes recommendations of the Age- friendly Brooklyn Task Force to address key aspects of aging-in-place, including housing, transportation, outdoor spaces, social participation, and health services. The work of the task force was made possible with the support of Mayor Eric Adams, during his tenure as Brooklyn Borough President, and the office of Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso to build upon the recommendations set forth in The New York Academy of Medicine’s (NYAM) 2019 report Age-friendly Brooklyn: Findings and Recommendations.

Report authors Elana Kieffer, Director, NYAM Center for Healthy Aging and Mario Rubano, Policy Associate, NYAM Center for Healthy Aging, acknowledge the support and dedication of 29 members of the Brooklyn Task Force whose recommendations helped to inform the content of this report.

NYAM’s Center for Healthy Aging releases its Age-friendly Brooklyn Task Force
Recommendations in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
Reynoso. The recommendations provide a guide to improve age-inclusivity throughout the borough.

NYAM’s Center for Healthy Aging releases its Age-friendly Brooklyn Task Force
Recommendations in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
Reynoso. The recommendations provide a guide to improve age-inclusivity throughout the borough.

NYAM’s Center for Healthy Aging releases its Age-friendly Brooklyn Task Force
Recommendations in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
Reynoso. The recommendations provide a guide to improve age-inclusivity throughout the borough.

NYAM’s Center for Healthy Aging releases its Age-friendly Brooklyn Task Force
Recommendations in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
Reynoso. The recommendations provide a guide to improve age-inclusivity throughout the borough.

NYAM’s Center for Healthy Aging releases its Age-friendly Brooklyn Task Force
Recommendations in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
Reynoso. The recommendations provide a guide to improve age-inclusivity throughout the borough.

NYAM’s Center for Healthy Aging releases its Age-friendly Brooklyn Task Force
Recommendations in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
Reynoso. The recommendations provide a guide to improve age-inclusivity throughout the borough.

NYAM’s Center for Healthy Aging releases its Age-friendly Brooklyn Task Force
Recommendations in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
Reynoso. The recommendations provide a guide to improve age-inclusivity throughout the borough.