
Bring Out the Talent Podcast Logo

For the first time in our economic history, there are five generations of employees making up our workforce. From the ‘Traditionalists’ generation to the newcomers ‘Gen Z’ – there are decades of experiences, cultures, and knowledge in our workplaces that each of us can learn from. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that by 2026 we can expect nearly two-thirds of people aged 55-64 to be working, and about 30% of people ages 65-74 to likely have full or part-time jobs.

So how can business leaders and managers successfully lead multigenerational teams and unleash the power of a multigenerational workforce?

In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we answer those questions and more, with Elana Kieffer and Carolyn Stem from The New York Academy of Medicine’s Center for Healthy Aging.

Listen to the episode below or here.