Mon • Apr

Monday, April 17, 2023


Venue: The New York Academy of Medicine, 1216 Fifth Avenue, NYC, NY.

This event is free, and advance registration is required.

One Continuing Education Hour will be provided by the Helen Rehr Center for Social Work practice to NYS licensed social workers attending this event. To apply, contact

The 14th Annual Social Work Student Night is an event where graduate students from several Schools of Social Work in the greater New York area give an oral presentation of their original work in social work practice, education and research that address physical health, mental health and public health issues. Each presentation is followed by a discussion of the implications for social work practice, education, and research led by the co-chairs of the NYAM Social Work Sections, Dr. Elaine Congress and Dr. Patricia Kolb.

  1. To gain knowledge of the current issues and challenges facing upcoming cohorts of master and doctoral level social workers.
  2. To learn from the discussion led by social work faculty, about the
    1. implications for the future of social work practice, research, 
    2. and education.

6:00PM – 6:45PM

  • Reception
  • Poster viewing
  • Networking

6:45PM – 8:00PM

  • Welcome 
  • Oral Presentations
  • Presentation of Certificates
  • Event concludes
  • Michelle Bialeck, Yeshiva University
  • Chelsea Bonosky, Fordham University
  • Gerri K. Connaught, New York University
  • Richard Glover, Long Island University
  • Yona Lazarus, Touro University Graduate School of Social Work
  • Delores Owen, Adelphi University
  • Marco Sinapi, Lehman College
  • Meredith Slopen, Columbia University