Henri Bedor. Sur l'Appréhension du choléra-morbus; les moyens proposés pour s'en préserver; ceux qui conviendraient surtout à Troyes, si cette ville s'en voyait menacée. Troyes: A la Librairie du Commerce de Bouquot, rue Notre-Dame, no. 86, 1831.
This book has been adopted.
A scarce and appealing provincial pamphlet from the city of Troyes in north-east France, providing citizens with advice and a number of suggested medicines and remedies to be employed should the city be threatened by the pandemic. Bedor was a physician in the city and a member of the Conseil de Salubrité de Troyes. The book has two small appealing wood-cuts; together with a loosely inserted single sheet notice issued by M. Payn, Le Maire de la Ville de Troyes, and providing, in a series of brief bullet points, further public health advice relating to hygiene and diet.
Adoption price: $320.00
Catalog record: http://bit.ly/2aOAZmZ