Nemesius, Bishop of Emesa (fl. AD 400).  Libri octo. I. De homine. II. De anima. III. De elementis. IIII. De viribus animae. V. De volu[n]tario et involu[n]tario. VI. De fato. VII. De libero arbitrio. VIII. De providentia. [Colophon:] Argentorati, ex officina libraria Matthiae Schurerii Selestensis, Artium Doctoris. Mense Maio. An. M.D.XII.  Strasbourg: Matthias Schürer, 1512.

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Nemesius’ De natura hominis was responsible for advancing the medieval belief that mental processes were localized in the ventricles of the brain. Nemesius was convinced of the correctness of this doctrine, since injury to different areas of the brain caused the loss of different faculties. The theory was finally demolished by Vesalius, who denied any role to the ventricles except the collection of fluid.

Little is known of Nemesius’ career except that he was from Syria, probably converted to Christianity about 390 AD, and sometime thereafter became bishop of Emessa. He may have had some medical training. This edition also includes texts by Jacobus Faber, St. Gregory of Nazianze and St. Basil, translated by John Cono and Beatus Rhenanus.

The fine title-border is by Urs Graf, the fine Swiss Renaissance printmaker and book artist.

Adoption price: $3,200.00

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