Dr. Honoré Marius Menier, Philippe Hettinger et al. Mon Docteur. Traité de médecine et d’Hygiène. Méthodes Scientifiques et Populaires. Allopathie. Homéoepathie. Physithérapie. Médecine pratique. Toxicologie. Plantes médicinales. Paris: Librarie Commerciale, 1907.

Adopt This Book

This French encyclopedic home reference work was a collaborative effort by a number of physicians, overseen by Dr. Menier. It includes three chromolithographic manikins, each with numerous flaps, highlighting the male and female anatomy as a whole, and an additional manikin illustrating the female reproductive organs and pregnancy.

Adoption price: $150.00

Catalog recordhttp://bit.ly/2lW5zUJ