Juan Bautista Juannini. Carta Escrita al muy noble aretino, el Doctor Don Francisco Redi. Madrid: Imprenta Real: Hallarase en la Puerta del Sol, en casa de Andres Blanco, librero, 1689.

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Born Giovanni Battista Giovannini in Milan, Juannini studied medicine and surgery at the University of Pavia before relocating to Madrid to be physician to Juan José of Austria, the scientific patron, military leader, and son of Philip IV. The book includes details from the prince's own autopsy, and has been called "one of the better of the anatomical books published in Spain in the seventeenth century" (Lopez Piñero). Juannini dedicates the work to the scientist and humanist Francesco Redi (1626–1697/8), who was an associate. The collection enhances our own extensive holdings related to Redi.

Adoption price: $1,976.00

Catalog record: http://bit.ly/2bgO6B8